Artificial Intelligence Experiment #14
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Input Pattern
14. Artificial Intelligence Introduction: Home Automation with AI

In this experiment, we build a simple home automation system that turns the lights and the fan on and off on our command

When you scroll through the input patterns, you see commands that we have already defined for you. For example, 'too dark' should switch the lights on. But before we can use our ANN, we need it to learn the patterns.

Before a neural network can make decisions, it has to be trained. Let's start the training process. Click on the 'Start Learning' button at the bottom to train the network. Adjust the speed with the slider at the bottom of the window.

Once learning is complete, enter a command that uses some of the words in the list. For example, 'My oven is too warm'. Observe how the ANN uses keywords as input and proposes a possible action.

Try a few other combinations of words. Document each experiment on a sheet of paper, together with the classification that the AI proposes.

This scenario has been inspired by and developed in cooperation between the Digital Technologies Institute, Australia,Apps For Good, United Kingdom,and the Digital Technologies Hub, Australia

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Training Cycles